Entries by Stewart

The importance of a positive attitude in managing cancer

Cancer is a war that needs all the resources of heaven and earth to fight. It is well known that moods and behaviors have biological consequences. Your mind activates other chemical reactions and reactions within your body that are affected by your moods. Research continues to document that optimistic attitudes improve the overall immune response […]

The Role of Acupuncture in Cancer Management

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical treatment that has been practiced for thousands of years. Today, it is gaining acceptance as an effective tool for managing cancer, one used in major medical centers everywhere. There are several cancer-related problems which sound clinical research has shown can be helped by acupuncture. What Is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is […]

7 Ways to Help Someone During Cancer Treatment

You would have come across many people with cancer and expressed your love and compassion for them through some soothing words. But would that be enough? Every cancer patient goes through several stages of the disease and has to endure a whole lot of pain in the process. A one-time expression of concern for their […]

5 Foods That Could Lower Your Risk of Cancer

The food you take can have drastic effects on your health so much so that they could even increase or lower the risk of developing illnesses like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Of all such ailments, cancer is said to be influenced by the foods that you take daily. Your diet could have all those […]

Living with Cancer: Three Important Things You Need to Know

Accepting the harsh realities is one thing while living with it is a whole different aspect that requires some fortitude. Ultimately succumbing to the pain to finally ending up in despair isn’t what any cancer patient should be doing. Several patients tend to submit themselves to the impersonal medical treatments due to the desperation. On […]